Thursday, September 21, 2006 recently published some great maps of South Carolina, including the hard-to-find South Carolina Rivers Map. SC Maps:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wooly Buggers

Our next module is set at Carrick Creek in Table Rock State Park. Currently park staff and scientists are concerned about the threat of the hemlock wooly adelgid, an invasive species of insect that destroys native hemlock trees, a major part of the tree canopy that protects and sustains the Carrick Creek environment.

USDA site:

Trash, Trash everywhere

The State Newspaper recently published an article on a clean-up effort along the Saluda River near Columbia. The community effort resulted in the removal of nearly a ton of non-recyclable trash in and around a popular hang out spot known as "the rocks." Does it have to be this hard?

Always pack out your trash and consider packing out the trash of less considerate people in the process. Safety first of course!

Trash Abounds at River: